FAM 4: Event Thread

btw I have no idea how to play


I’m on mobile but here

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basically, you alternate between drawing based on a word, and guessing what the drawing is

also, to reiterate, everyone’s first word should be a word, not a sentence! normally we play where it can be a sentence, but if everyone starts with sentences we’re all going to end up with 0 points :joy_cat:

Just read the event summary, all good

like pictionary

I’ll start the lobby once everyone is in

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Technically “artist” is the only job I’ve ever had so everybody should hand me the free win

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*Artist in a very specific context, outside of which I am not particularly good at drawing

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I submitted my initial word trying to fuck people up

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i might murder ash for pokemon green cat

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Pokemon green cat.
Grass cat starter pokemon

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im gonna have a sob

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i. see


^ may

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Sabo strat works though I messed people up !!!

thanks for playing everyone, you may all return to the thread

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