FAM 4: Event Thread

for the record I guessed this in about 5 seconds after it came up

then I panicked and almost backed out :joy_cat:

My parents never got me yugioh cards so I assembled a deck by trading away shiny rocks and cool leaves and feathers and also offering my protection for a fee like I was the fucking playground mafia


how many questions are there gonna be total?

girl what

:08 good, :09 bad

5, this is the last one

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gamefreak: creates the best quirk mechanic of mega evolutions, which brings back nostalgic but traditionally unusuable pokemon as usable pokemon (beedrill, altaria, gyarados, list goes on…)
also gamefreak: stops making megas and replaces them with z-moves, which are massively inferior
ALSO gamefreak: dynamaxing.

shut up im not kidding


i thought dynamaxing was fun ngl

Jinrou 31
wazza 25
firinn 22
catbae 14.5
may 14.5
katze 14
tutuu 9
artemis 6
atlas 4.5
daeron 3.5
… i think

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i think i am mathematically out of it but glgl

pokemon should have stayed sprite based tho

Me when it comes to guessing the amount of water pokemon there are: :muscle:
Me when it comes to knowing something actually real like jupiters moons: :frowning_with_open_mouth:

competitively unusable and overpowered

@Jinrou enjoy the win :pensive:

im probably wrong because last time i thought about jupiters moons was like, when wazza was born, but

you guys dont know ganymede and amalthea?

these responses make me wish I got the answer wrong.

also atlas guessing over the number of pokemon there actually are is funny