FAM 4: Event Thread

That’s on the very edge in the ethical scale, isn’t it?

im too tired to discuss stuff, ill just give my 2c and then im cool with whatever you all agree too

2-3 is my guess

glad to see we’re all in-tune

It’s lower than 5 imo

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charity work is kinda simple to do, though

if its a 2-3 wouldn’t it be like “donating your liver”

its not just charity work italy added unsolicited to emphasize

thats because some people have to do charity work for projects/school

i think that the answer is a low number because of “unsolicited”

And mother theresa did that too.

Who is the example for ethical people…

i’m fine with 3-4 but i won’t be happy about it if its a seven

i dont think this is something people think about

i really don’t think its a 2

I rhink it could be even a 1.

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yeah it might be 1 even

i’m vetoing that

Okay, what’s 1 then?

1 is way too hard

1 is “putting your entire life to helping sick kids for free”

submit 3?

and then donating all your organs at the age of 20

and then donating your skeleton to science