FAM 4: Event Thread

so, higher, right?

other team, higher or lower?

well you need to not only think about yourself but about who is making the hint

I was going to say lower. I donā€™t think something so widely known could be considered fringe.

that is not the way i interpreted that

Communism is definitely known to exist.

prove it

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i thought it was ā€œthings you should doā€ to ā€œthings you shouldnā€™t doā€

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lol sorry iā€™m just being a pest. idk where to put it

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Well, itā€™s closer to how widely accepted it is, but I think itā€™s still below a 13.

iā€™m just gonna send it

communism is a belief but is it fringe? thatā€™s the subjective part


uh we have 15 seconds

yeet it

higher @Arete

ā€¦communism killed millions when put into real life effect?


how the heck do yā€™all think thats close to even

true number 16

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