FAM 4: Event Thread

holy based

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ive bener played this can i see a like. example of a roun?

btw if you know me i love gay people!

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Wisdom of the Mod

basically, reserving the right to nuh-uh something unfair/unfun

@ElizaThePsycho wanna example this

im homophobic misgynistic and tyrasnphobic


No – answers may be sent either through role PMs or through Discord, either is fine


sending answers directly to arete

neil the eel canceled? good luck going to college buddy

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in the mail

pming you i assume?

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Example round:

Round Player 1 Word Player 2 Word
1 Tree Cat
2 Nature Moderators
3 Homosexuality Human
4 Chloe Chloe
  • These players were trying to say a word that relates to the two words they are given. In round 2, for example, Player 1 chose “nature” as trees and cats can be both found in nature, and Player 2 said “Moderators” because 2 FoL moderaters are commonly represented by trees and cats. In this match, this pairing would have won by round 4, both saying “Chloe” as a word that relates to “Homosexuality” and “Human”, both finding this relation from Chloe being a human who commonly states her homosexuality through statements such as “i’m gay”.
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Coffee grounds smell so good

Example was in the event description when we joined.

When I hosted this, there was a player called “Intensify” in the game, paired with Eliza. And then I randed the word combination “pair” and “intensify”

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I think I understand the rules

I’ve never played this before we’ll see how it goes

good luck going to college buddy

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i cant read 1 sec

Yes i dont understams