[FAM2] Boat of Horrors

same do we have to do everything individually smh


the door is behind the tiles
the tiles weren’t tall and were on the ground
nothing else under them

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(you guys could have just undone it for everyone and I would have accepted the action smh)


/Undo it for whoever else hasn’t undone it

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so uh?

is everyone here?

(Frost is sleep. Eliza doesn’t seem here. You, me, nutella seem here

you can complete this solo theoretically

Teamwork makes the dream work though.
Don’t exactly want death to happen by us trying to go solo

Anyway three brains are better than none.
Yall ready to head out?


reason for saying that is because you can leave people if irl circumstances require it
after all, you are all on a timer

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should we just bring them with us/have them copy us or how is this going to work

you can drag them

just bring everyone w/ us then

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alright where are you going to go?

/Grab the tile jic we need our zappy friend, that plus copper wire could be helpful

you do that

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/copy apprentice

/leave through door

/yeah make sure everyone brings theirs along and then look to see what’s outside the cell

Eliza now being the yolo’er I see

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Passing through the door, you notice a distinct lack of ambient lighting…and greenery. In front of you, there is a large stone edifice stretching up far into the sky. To your left and right you can see similar-looking pillars spaced fifteen and ten feet from you respectively.

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