[FAM2] Boat of Horrors

you did it

nothing especially interesting happened

so let’s keep going pillar to pillar?

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/Keep making my way around one by one, tiptoeing every time until I see an entrance to the tower

/we copy this

/or until we make it 180 degrees around the circle from the start


you make it to this pillar and see the entrance on the rightmost part

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I guess we should tiptoe to there?

can we see anything else of relevance now that we’re so far around it (like on the opposite side of where we started)

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you can see a large hatch door at the rightmost part of the room (would have been the furthermost part of the room directly ahead of you from where you started)


so tower or door?

I vote tower since we can navigate safely there now

like in the floor? or on the wall


I’d say tower because if needed we can get back behind cover pretty easily?
And the door’s basically been hidden from us until we snuck around

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ok les do it

/Tiptoe to the tower

/we all start tiptoeing to the tower entrance carefully

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(To where we see the door)

At the ground level of the tower is surmisable as a living space. A few bunk beds, a table with Tess Ardent’s newest newspaper, and a healthy amount of some strange white powdery substance. It’s small, but it’s cozy. Atop the top bunk is a metal ladder that goes through an opening in the ceiling.