FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

That makes no sense whatsoever.

YBW who flipped town

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Better than everyone arguing about them for another day while other towny ppl drop like flies

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my guy

atno had paid 0 attention to the game

enters by saying wolves are outted



this is the case on me, basically people think that I am difference checked to ATNoName

/vote Cape90 @Dark_Joycat

Cape is here.

Then why tf is everyone saying this
I only have secondhand info, I didn’t backread

EBWOP: to YouButWorse

Bc he said get some answers and something something wolves outed, looked softy, just the specific cape mention was a bit later after ybw flip

Apologies to anyone who’s trying to listen to whatever I’m saying

You’re getting third-hand information

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cape, was a pleasure playing with you, regardless of if im wrong on you or not.

sorry you had to deal with this if ur V

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Why not?


it’s probably me and 2 wolves as wagons

Does somebody wanna like

Get when this got mentioned

Then that’s not a definite soft
And if Cape flips V I’m flipping whomever said it’s a redcheck
Pretty sure it was Arctic

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wind why are your posts so bad

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