FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

This man also voted Whysper did he not?

You’re still scumlean to me.

he did i think
not relevant to the point though, he’s town either way from whysper’s posts

45 minutes

I have a passive power that lets me survive ITAs and an active that lets me post KPOP gifs three times a day. It’s a really cool role actually :heart:

guys how did the mafia figure out my weakness to town reading people

Yeah and Whysper voted Shen in an opportunistic manner, as though she was chomping at the bit to mislynch him.

“frost you cant tell people how to solve”

“you’re dead to me”

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are you Ace Marvel

What was the votes then?

If Shen wasn’t in danger of being yeeted then it’s not really that worthwhile.

when did he sneak into FAM

probably min


Also Sulit being voted out did help your case, whether you like it or not.

oh right min is a kpop warrior too


No, I am Min. However, I have no idea who Min is, so now please tell me that they are famous for never randing wolf ever

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I’m pretty sure Shen wasn’t in danger of being lynched. That’s isn’t why Shen is spewed town by Whysper. It’s because she made a really slimy and opportunistic vote on Shen.

There’s a difference between I want you dead or seeing you as scumlean

frost it was a joke
played up for comedic effect :joy_cat:

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Yes I am aware.

also if proph is w i’m spewed v from him 6 ways to sunday

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