FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

guys I’m getting hard core v vibes

I think I will go to jail… wait, what do you mean wrong type of shots?


Dude your meta sounds so weak and im telling you hes gone deep in mashes before but ok

Strong willing usually means you make your targets action/s unblockable (i.e., make them “strong”)

Idk if that’s what it means here, but that’s what I’ve seen it mean other places

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Cape is very V ^^^^

i’m kinda with shen, i believe cape’s claim

it looked like a supportive role, so I chose someone I trusted

This is dumb lol roles have descriptions


@Arctic what gets cleared up by cape flipping w?

i kinda believe the claim but i also kinda believe that atno had mech lol


god this sounds so dumb I want to town read them

idrc, its my thoughts. im not asking u to sheep that meta, cuz i won’t sheep others meta unless its very convincing

that’s the problem I’m at rn


for a minute i forgot i was a spectator


I mean the claim can be real and they can be mafia it’s not mutually exclusive

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blizer v
nutella v
gghana v

probably others im forgetting


Nah, role description could be “strongwill”.


[action name] - Your target actions will be strongwilled this night. (night)

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mine is just, you can do this at night