FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

hot take I don’t feel strongly about gghana being scum

Also Drinks voted parked me D1 for specious reasons and their reasons for sussing me are bad.
My reasons for thinking they’re town were debunked when I talked to him.
He can go on shot lists too.

i know taffy’s kpop claim and i think its a v role
but from what i’ve seen they’ve been meh and i dont like the ita immunity

You should

Please send my suffering

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Doesn’t feel like the hottest take rn.

This feels like TMI lol

Damn someone waited until they were given reasons before they voted someone, damn so wolfy.

Yeah I see it @Apprentice

Town kp doesn’t have to fire their shots N1 you know…

Yeah his SoD here kinda is making me reconsider

I wish I was mafia because you people are clearing me for dogshit reasons


the person they’re making a read on IS ALREADY DEAD WHEN THEY’RE POSTING THIS

they were supposed to be reading them for spew

They should

What if they die night 1

So just faking any sort of productivity

This is something we both agree with. You’ve done nothing remotely clearing.

Drinks flipping wolf probably clears quite a few players off of that TMI

I mean that’s my guess

if they made that post as villager then big pepega

Also i agree with the drinks things being said.
I just don’t wanna belive both the others of my homesite are mafia


Amiibo Fight Club: Now featuring Datbird 2: Boat

Players: Unlimited
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Probably?
Duration: 20 Minutes for signups. Like 1.5 hours for the whole tournament

How to Play:

You will receive a tournament sheet. You fill it out with who you think will win, then sit it on the live stream if you want and see who wins. If you guessed correctly the most u win. In the case of a tie, we break those by settling it in another smash match.

How to Join:
reply with /in and tag @DatBird

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private.

Well we can add that to the EXPLOSION list

Who else to blow to smithereens today?!

ashyln is the important clear if so

everyone else was reasonably clear already

That’s good I get to make fun of you post game