FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

Mate, that’s why among 14 other players I am not trusting blindly.

You get it now?

Again. Medium claim was back from day 2.
It’s nothing new.

I also said few times in day 2, 3 and even SoD 4 that it’s not accurate claim.
Also if you read how I said result at start of D4, I did a few posts like

“ATN checked Frost N1, they were incompatible with Ruby”. Which is true.

You can’t blame me for claiming medium when at the same time I was saying it’s not my accurate role and only results match up. Like seriously, I was very straightforward about it.

from your point of view I could be a wolf and same with Amelia, so you putting more faith in us than the other 14 for “killing a wolf” is weirding me out

Yes. I said I am aware of it back then.
Now you know why.

Tjdjxjdjcjcjdj jcjej jkh

For the love of pete’s sake

itas open

Reorganizing my thoughts on the playerlist.

P Much Lock V: Should have no deepwolves.

Amelia - Shot Solic
Eliza? Depends if the Event Vig could be traced to them
Frostwolf103 - Tracked Maxi+Questioned Him

Likely V: May have 1-2 deepwolves.

CRich - Not as certain as before due to Nanook’s flip.
Marl - Interaction with Wisdom/Proph
Rokon - Dunked on Proph.
Outedwolf - Has multiple pelts, but that’s kind of it?

Maybe V?: Has something going for them but not really that good.


Remainder: Most wolves should be here.

1 of eevee/Ruby
1 of Italy/Ranta

We technically have 6 wolves left, so this is kind of where I’m at. I’ll need to recheck what happened in the Event as if Eliza’s vig was untraceable then they could’ve just shot a more consensus villager than Nanook and is probably just town.

Like you are blaming me for claiming role which actually explains the situation AFTER I said multiple times that my previous role claim is fake, but brings up same results.

You were informed of it that I stick to the result, but alter role.

It doesnt take accurate claim for AtNoName tell you who their N0 result is


What kind of psychedelic dots are you seeing?


if i close my eyes when i shoot at eevee i can pretend it didnt happen right

No, ATN told me nothing. Theirs role did.

Seriously, I don’t know if it’s allowed but ask host if copying ATN ability would continue the chain or create a new one.
That’s like the most important point here.


Can you link the post you shot Whysper at day 2 and Derp’s SoD message attacking Zone day 4?

It’s true, but it’s still written in a fairly deceptive manner.

The thing is that the medium claim had a lot of holes in them that basically made them extremely flimsy to the point that a lot of people saw through it and that’s when you changed your claim.

/ita Ruby @Dark_Joycat


/shoot eevee @Dark_Joycat

Wait for the fucking flip.



That was the point.

I was trying to go as close as possible.
Also because truth detectors or other stuff like that could exist.