FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

this is a bad thing, for the record

I’m tempted to shoot Taffy.

I know it’s probably pointless, but on the other hand it tests if they were doctored or are immune themeslfs.
That should be better than completely holstering.

At least 1 Mafia in Frost/Ruby/Solic
At least 1 Mafia in Nanook/mansnicks/Kiiruma/Taffy - probably the first two. This would mean 4 mafia on cape (being Arctic, Maxi, Ashlyn + 1 more).
At least 1 Mafia in Amelia/Atlas/Italy/Alice

If Taffy is town, I think the wolf on that wagon would be Ranta.

Arctic wagon probably pure, eevee seems towny this game but I have no clue how to read him.

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is there any argument for ranta v


This was actually pointed out yesterday as well, I think Amelia was on the ITA list for a while, even.

No idea who said it though.

i’ve waited three years for this one fucking moment

i can finally, truly and indisputably say
emilia w

“Just don’t” is a good answer :’)

So long as you understand that you are wasting your shot. I’m taking no responsibility for that.

Good almost-noon.
Who have yet to shoot?

i have not

I am sorry, what I said before was wrong. I mixed up Amelia with Emelia

Okay. Any plans to shoot at all today?

not currently
i have divined the next shot to be a miss

I just had a look at Amelia’s ISO and its about 5 posts of substance and the rest is fluff - 5/64 posts

That’s pretty indicative of wolf amelia

it’s a rite of passage

I’m usually not doing stuff unless I seem them really worth it.

Aka. I would not shoot blindly unless I am more or less convinced it’s worth it. (remembering that 3/4th ffo the game is more likely town).
Shooting you is basically better version of holstering a shot.

Also I missed this post at the time but its ??

I also got the impression they didn’t care if either Cape or GGhana was on the chopping block day two.