it’s so bad that i swear if i hear one more “i’m town because i’m posting” i’ll fucking lose my mind
No that’s impossible. Maxi could only have used the dayvig starting 2022-06-27T18:00:00Z.
I have no doubt, he’s the one that ITA hit Maxi
I’m on 17-0 with Litten.
who killed Maxi
Jesus christ
this situation
they aren’t posting
i’ve been waiting years for this one moment
Ever heard of setting a timer for dayvig to be activated?
I literally die today lmao
technicly 17-1, cause I had something to do and had abandoned the game :’)
i’m town because i’m posting
And my Dayvig was for winning an event
Read the role card. He could only use the dayvig on day three. Aka this day.
can we have a chess event where it’s me vs the winner of the last event (Realistically, eevee)
implying eevee would not break your bones at a logic based game
i’m a 1200 with the brain of a GM
i can do anything