FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

Leafia moment



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Looking back at it I don’t think it makes sense the way I worded it
I mean like if he hit Hippo with the first shot he would’ve been forced to unload five shots on Proph and probably all would’ve missed which would be kind of a red flag
If he didn’t hit Hippo until the last shot he never would’ve shot at Proph so there wouldn’t be any info to go off there


maybe this rolecop wasnt as useless as i thought


Get some sleep!

a 1 in 20 chance isn’t really that low

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Huh this is a good look for Ashlyn if Leafia flips wolf.

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unlikely, yes
but very far from impossible

Actually please answer Ashlyn before going to sleep lmao @leafia

It’s actually a 2 in 27 chance
Which is much more likely

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Arctic is quaking in wolfchat rn i can feel it


if all 53 people shot at someone and received nothing but misses (including arctic’s wacko six shooter hellscape) then you might be able to convince me


I said I want Wind dead first. Not over Arctic. Just because you want someone dead forst doesn’t mean you’re not fine with the other person dying too. Maybe I should get some sleep too like Wind suggested.

Why? For all you know, it could just be in-thread coaching.

has ITAs happened yet?

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23 min

20 minutes i think

You’re not dealing with the average FoL warrior…

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not for another 23 minutes

Fuck that’s so long