FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

/vote cape

difference is i actually hit my shots :joy_cat:

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/vote Cape90

Oh yeah it totally won’t go pear shaped as what happened in Wild West FM.

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I’m ready for the wild west to happen again


/vote molly

simply a difference in games
their reaction to pressure is stiff
their reaction to crich felt like meh
theyre super far out of the limelight
chloe talked to them

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Nightingale seems town

This was copy pasted off some random internet encyclopaedia right?

no, right :slight_smile:

is ths the new metric for finding wolves lmao


you immediatley pulling out this defense seems exactly planned

why would you be pissing your pants if you were a wolf

the reason I’m saying it’s a bad post isn’t because it’s IMPOSSIBLE and ILLEGAL for a villager to do this HACK it’s because I find it extremely unlikely you think you would genuinely need to write a will an hour and a half into day 1 or that you would die in the first place if you were a villager

it feels manipulative



post your vote in the voting thread clowns

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if you just lost the game, then you know who im not talking to in order to preserve my tell


1610 event

nut has increased ITA hitchance and dodge for today or something idk


I did?
I think

/vote nightingale


Listen here partner, every gun has a chance to backfire sometimes when mishandled.
It takes time and dedication to learn how to wield one properly.

I am more ready now than I was then.
And I’m prepared for high noon, tomorrow.

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