FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Unstoppable force meets man running away


i’ll be deadass i don’t see how this is scummy you’re just being relaly self concious about it

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Sorry, mate.

A job’s a job.

Can we talk about Bradland’s posts having a grand total of zero relevance so far?

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VOTE: Guava

LAMIST to the extreme.


I’d probably care about that a lot more if it wasnt hour 3 day 1 of a 57p mash

I think the 6 mafia in (3 players) post was bad NGL.
But also not wolfy, just bad.

maybe I’m just being gaslit by Jaiden and
whoever else is on my wagon idr I only really care about Jaiden

there are some people who are being spoken about that i just haven’t seen any posts from because of the gap between writing up and sending a post

I thought it was funny tbh

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oh Atlas is on my wagon

im also too busy tunneling guava soz

No shirt :tshirt:

No reads :open_book:

Just vibes. :sunglasses:

That only works if both are town. I don’t really think Litten is a wolf but Achro hasn’t posted so I don’t have a read on him yet.

I’ve kind of liked Guava’s posts, but not enough to make a lean.

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Nah actually I don’t agree with that, they’ve had enough to at least say something about a player even if vague yet the 20 something posts they have are ENTIRELY fluff


That’s me