FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

What is this, EiMM?


Game mode that requires a lot of on-the-fly balancing work

Brad join eimm already

Well I’m gonna dip.

If people have concerns of why I brought up Achro or suspect Kiiruma.

My ISO is there for your amusement!

I do plan on watching anime with girlfriend tonight

i’ve never had this much trouble reading marl maybe its a sign tbh

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Clarify? I’m finding it hard reading Seth: are you trying to say that the line you bolded is a weird and arbitrary thought to try and provoke as a villager?

Oh thanks

VOTE: Leafia

I was thinking Big Brother but we can use that too

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i dont see the stiffness tbh

It’s a weird post to think that the wolf team is “stacked” there

because this is the only thought I have on the line you bolded but it doesn’t match your thought you’re saying
unless I’m misunderstanding your text

i expected more enthusiasm. i write this down with a quill in my 1700s cottage


i could be biased though so idk

I’ll be back after work. GL

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I claim the pelt

Wolfy (not a joke)

It cant be unless i get converted :pensive:

hmm @Zorvo read on litten?


How is that Wolfy?