FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Ah disregard what I said then.

thankfully, I did the mechanically optimal move of posting a clwon so I wasn’t blocked that night

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@Marluna why were you saying i was mafia

it doesnt matter now but i actually want to know wtf happened

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I didn’t get to use my deputy shot that game I want a refund


someone walk me though guava sus

i know like there was some self voting they did and then ppl saying they were in charecter

oh i’ve played mafia before (and this isn’t even the largest game i’ve played, but it’s definitely the most active)

guava got mad at me for this during gi and just sits there when i do it inthread

luckily i am town this game

I like guava they seem chill and towny vibes

Well you won’t be after THAT line!

Slaps a TOWN sticker on chest and walks away

idk this is based :person_shrugging:

Me specifically, I thought his readlists in response to prompts were both really weird and felt like a wolf who barfed em out rather than genuine thoughts?

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not you though get off my wagon

he also did it


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As if.
I haven’t seen your n0 greencheck when I claimed that you are mafia.


Atlas has never looked away from thread before


I’m not really sure why your first thought is that they were intentionally being wolfy.

Stats say ur mafia sorry

I have a degree in staristical anaylsis (real)