FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Litten i am invoking my dz tell on arctic

He didnt mention me therefore scum


Never said vote I said setup ML’s/fake associations when said wolf gets executed.

Also I don’t believe you stay on Kiiruma if your wolves with them but you aren’t afraid to vote them considering if your a wolf with them you never stay on them.

This is a good post.

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how is it harder to follow the thread now u guys are like insane

Suspecting someone who absolutely refuses to bus of being partnered with someone they suspect is hmmmmm

(I’ve made the same mistake before)

Zorvo I haven’t voted a wolf in years

ive never seen achro respect an authority figure and youre the site owner

Invoking my deez tell

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they said the words

Stop being me


Frostwolf is very formal in talking

thats not true youre voting me right now

I’m not so sure Arctic is scum here. He’s felt pretty villagery after all. What’s your case on him?

i wanna sheep but i don’t want to sheep

Who’s townreading you?
I’m not townreading you?

Deez tell?

ok and what does this tell you

why would you want to be zorvo

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Maybe null town if I wanna be like super nice.