FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Villagers can struggle, I agree. (I’m struggling as well with 50+ player to watch for) but I don’t see how voting on top wagons without giving out any reasoning is equal with struggling. (These are called sheeping in my opinion)

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I think Litten is fine for now

And notice how when I moved my vote the Kiiruma wagon is starting to drop.


What ice cream fkabor should I get


a month

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Idk someone brought up they liked me a little and I also know Min liked one post of mine or something.


I am mostly sheeping others because I have nearly no reads of my own, but I feel like it would be better if I had my own reads to know who is the right sheep at least.

idk why but that’s just fucking hilarious to me for some reason

maybe relax your eyes on wolf chat

Come over here buddy! :hugs:

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Honestly I think it’s a combination.
Some people on me are wolves trying to get a free kill.
Some people on me are townies, trying to get a wolf out but failing.

owo what’s this

Good idea

This works because then I don’t have to read you
Zorvo is my mason now

who are which

Frequent Posters list feels like a good club to be in though


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