FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

0% chance this is serious if Apoc is town. You can’t wolfread someone for not being silly like you are.

Context for you @Litten

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I feel like it should be obvious that my reads this day are almost entirely memetic but w/e

can’t wait for d3 to happen and it’s revealed they are an octo night vigilante



dope iso



Well, I take this game more seriously than that.

why is apoc suddenly acting like they’re on L-1

Skill issue in your part ngl

I’m not

Dafuq did I just read

Who is apoc

I’m correcting a narrative that I saw Leafia try to push that I’m sheeping Sadbi

They’re referring to me

420 blaze it

Oh hey. “The Wolf” from Siamés?

Wait a minute

What the fuck I have over 400 posts
