FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

He literally does. He’s trying to pair me with Zorvo.for little to no reason to suspect ei ffgther of us is a wolf.

I. Feel. So. Good. Right. Now.

v!Sadbi lock it in.

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Of course this means kiiruma is a wolf too


VOTE: Leafia

Jesus I Aman emotional person in games.

Performativeness isn’t AI

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have you read his posts
he described chloe pointing out the sucks balls post as an “excellent meta read” and opens with an instant sheep but has literally nothing else to add
just before that he made a nothingburger comment on the wagons “wow how do we have so many votes already???”
it’s just nonsense lol


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I thought you were good at reading me if you’re a villager here.

Oh for sure for sure bestie.
Because I definitely bussed my teammate as always

Of course tbis means Zorvo is a wolf too cause leafia/Zorvo/Kiiruma is a stacked team tbh

You are not towning it up currently.

Nutella every game with me: auto sr me for stuff that is nai and just playstyle

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hey just skimmed that game
you mildly re-evaled her d2 solely because of her mech

Bc i was vibin with ppl I tr being like yolo lets kill marl and it felt cool and hip and you seemed more upset about it and idk if thats more tmi or just w/w but it’s maybe you had to be there andim judging you on something out of your control and its not fair but i liked hippos take is all

u literally played the last two games I was a wolf and I wasn’t a wet noodle bro


I’m sobbing rn

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for about ~10 posts around her
2 considering scumher worlds

Day 4 or day 5 i literally had like 100 posts back and forth lol

Or maybe Kiiruma is a wolf trying to shade me and Seth for no reason. Have you considered that Achro?