FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Mines yellow watermelon


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show me you’re town, you have 35 minutes or so

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espresso java chip, that one sounds good tho!

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Seems about right

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this is a victimless crime I think
unless someone posts something like offensive with the stickers but no one would do that



have either of you looked at the doc I sent you two days ago yet

everyone going into that one event earlier with the ranges

banger choice

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That’s some queen shit right there

what doc (no)


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i feel like the fact that i’m still here is proof enough but shrug

it got buried in the teyvat chat when you were asleep

you though…

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as wolf i would’ve just actually used it as an excuse to do anything else


As a soft drink I’d like to try Baja blast, but I can’t quite access such flavor.

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you haven’t actually…done anything with your time here, though

Why the fuck is this a thing…

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oh i have ideas on what is going on

baja blast goes so hard

Somebody PLEASE call me wolfy or read me or something so I can get mad at someone and have it spiral into useable posts


you are a wolf

VOTE: Demisha

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