FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Alright. You go after Brad, but this process will take a long while unless the Mafia kill me first, so…

Please be patient.

Most of them aren’t particularly notable

Lots of nyas, fs, and calling things moments

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Oh so I was right.


I think it’s more like 300, but yeah

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But anyway


(Specifically this weird kinda neutral treatment of Marl where Zone pays him a lot of mind but doesn’t really give opinions on him, I think that’s partnery with Marl and reinforces my previous scumread. Also he managed to notice that Cape’s giantass readlist didn’t have him in it and that means he’s literally just searching for himself which combined with the way he’s talked about Achro makes me feel like he’s trying to replicate his “vengeful” behaviour as town and find himself in every readlist)

I’m soooo hbealthy this game I can leave thread and go outside. In fact I’m going to go do that right now. If I dont come back I fainted cause I went for a walk at midday

Unrelatable, but have fun

Yes, please enjoy yourself.

hey all i just want you all to download osu really quick and uh play one level

I actually knew 2 of the answers I was expecting to know none :wowee:

just to see what im going through


eevee at least you didn’t get 100 points stolen because you picked wrong

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that event cost 2 hours of my time and 3 years of my life


i got like 900 points stolen because the hosts didn’t know the answers to their own questions


It’s over…

I am emotionally drained