FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

here nerds

this software is perfect for my gut. i will not ISO and i will shoot with my gut.


@Chloe chlorbius

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I’ve had like three games in a row where someone goes “I’m town” at the start and then they are



I’m town


yeah i see it too

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wat want

y r u posting weird


true locktown

by the end of this game eliza is going to have like 10,000 liked posts

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VOTE: Marluxion

idk watch every jon bois video its in there somewhere

I mean, I made the bigger mistake, I am literally travelling tomorrow and probs wont be here for EOD

If “A” gets ITA’d by “B” and “A” lives, then “A” shall ITA “B” back.

I have no fucking clue what I’m doing how do I fucking use this site again

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Chloe is a wolf but I have other fish to fry before I get to killing them

  1. log out

Hence why I don’t get manny refusal to play