FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

not sure i’ll have the time for a turbo hf nerds


Mafia game within a mafia game moment

because it’s a cookie cutter “loud player making a push” response you’ve seen from wolves so it’s triggered neuron activation in monke brain

If we die in game we die in… game?

/In @Dark_Joycat

uhhh it feels like awkward joking around tryin to fit in, few token read-like posts but it doesnt feel like there are gears turning beneath it all. feels like fake breeziness as opposed to someone who doesnt care and is messing around

i hosted krc on my phone
i believe in you

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Ohhhh right okay so that’s why I was confused
I read the line and interpreted it weirdly bc my first thought was “I wouldn’t even think of that, where did he obtain that thought from?”
I thought he could’ve been TMI-ing wolves having a stacked team because I can’t think of a reasonable explaination as to why he’d think that as a villager
We have different reasons why we think it’s weird and I’m not going to go down this further because I feel like it’d be unproductive so I’m going to check the rest of your post

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I think if you die during the turbo you should get modkilled here



ping joycat

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I don’t have time for this but I’m joining anyways fuckit we ball

thanking you

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terrible as always, see me after class

i will keep this in mind

I’m on phone at work it isn’t a good idea for me.