FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Honestly guava is the only top wagon I am feeling good about rn

Sulit is probably a wolf because iirc they hate wolf and they want to be a villager

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and we all know the universe is a cruel mistress which explains why they arenā€™t posting

just ignore the first 2500 posts lol

You should not read posts in a mash

Only real time or iso

Guava seems chill

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talk to us now

weā€™re killing marl

thatā€™s what iā€™m saying iā€™m going to do
glad weā€™re in agreement

i mean its very possible sulits just busy and she can be super townie later but rn im not feelin it

based (based?)

idfk it wasnt my decision


Iā€™m saying it as genuine advice for if youā€™re ever here for the start of a mash

Sulit isnā€™t like leafia where you can leave them alive to let them spew stuff they just donā€™t do anything and are a wolf ita shot and vote

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Bunch of those posts arenā€™t even game related.

I donā€™t know hoy you come to this conclusion, but I would say they are more like off-topic posts, than blended ones.

If you want concrete reads from me, you should wait a bit more. When the game becomes less chaotic.

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Thatā€™s going to be in like
Four or five game days though

i wish marissa was playing so she could read eliza and gorta for us


By the way wolves
My flavor is Litten
One of my abilities is that I get 1% ITA dodge for every four players that die

Have fun wolves!

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