FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Yes please do I’m sure this will bode well for your surivial after I flip v

I feel like there is something to be said about the first mash wagon being generally on town?

Because I entered thread, decided to do a classic RT of “Red check, caught scum thing” and well Lol doesn’t really exist much atm so I think having some pressure on them so that they react and interact more is great.

Kirru has not passed the vibetest thusfar

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Eh unreliable. First wagon in my last mash was on scum lol

Why did you have the need to say this exactly?
I was just laughing at what you posted?

Omg me too twinsies


VOTE: Kiiruma


Would need more data

why do u always whisper like girl speak up


Anyone else think corinna hasnt been acting normal town meta

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I’m shooting Litten upon a wolf flip tbh.

Kiiruma: Welp thats what you think, truth is, its literally midnight and I got on to read the thread.

Zorvo: Yeah real believable Kappa. You’re a wolf.

Kiiruma: /shrug

Zorvo: Classic wolf reaction. I’m going to enjoy punting you into the graveyard. Enjoy your time here while it lasts.

Kiiruma: We’ll see who lives then.

Zorvo: It will be you sooner or later. Are you calling your wolf pals to kill me at night? I’m guessing no.

Kiiruma: It’s dark

Zorvo: Are you kidding me? Your pack will be here any minute. They will rip me limb from limb. It’s how you treat your friends in the pack that shows if you have a mean bone in your body. You had the advantage for the entire fight, why not end it? It was one on one. It was all you had to do. You don’t want to be known as that guy that couldn’t take a fucking fight to the death.

Kiiruma: Are you a guy or a girl?

Zorvo: Tell you what, I’ll fight you. Either way, it’s you or me at the finish. Either way, I am no pushover, so please take me up on my offer.

Kiiruma: I think i’ll take you up on your offer if it means ending it.

Zorvo: Good choice. Do you realize how good you’re looking right now? You’re hot. Look at you.



guavagudetama (5): Jaiden, Amelia, Daeron, Leafia, Creature

Good to remember if guava is scum that this wagon is pure

You should not do that

hii what’s ur opinion on apo coey

What the fuck does this mean?