FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

who do you think she’s TMIing?

You’ll know what I’m on about too when it happens probably.

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Anyway i am sleepy. Quick bombard me with questions to see if i am a wolf

Are you a wolf

ngl kiiru’s latest posts have felt very comfortable/excited in a villagery way


Spell villagery backwards

Or I could just be townreading some people and scumreading others. Have you considered that? I’m also a hardbusser too. So don’t give me that defending scumbuddies bs.


this is correct
i dont think leafia has ever defended her scumteam beside when specifically coached to

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he’s legit guys

Like ok alignment aside this is legit just so annoying if you can spend 10 posts asking for a summary you can scroll up and skim a little.

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tbh i think leafia might just be town

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Two trains are 200 km apart, heading towards each other, going at 50 km/hour each. From one train a fly takes off, flying straight above the rails to the other train at 75 km/hour, bounces off it and flies back to the first train. This is repeated till the trains crash together and the fly is smashed (Headline: Fly Dies in Freak Train Crash, Rest Survive). What distance does the fly fly until its tragic end?

Yeah leafia is town. She has survived the poke of doom.

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leafia without pressure is easier to read since when she has pressure she hyperfixates on it and its not very ai


I agree with Kiiruma on the TMI of Zorvo being on Leafia’s team via her odd defensiveness of him throughout the thread with barely any consideration of a world where Zorvo should be executed

eevee is a wolf we should probably kill them

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i feel like the way thread decided to hate leafia then immediately went back on it probably means something