FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

You are heard, Children

Patience is the key to my inner sanctum. For now, merely listen to my sermons with open ears and I will consider you my ally, my ward, and my family.

You will enter my domain as individuals. Not as a group, for that would deny you my full attention.


Three way tie for top wagon.

VOTE: youbutworse

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from now on this is the only thing you should post

Thank you…father?


Wait I really like this post but idk what to do about it

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Hey Hazard, I guess I didn’t tell you but this is common for me to be a top wagon in basically any game I’m in D1.

I’m really happy to see you playing this game and honestly even if I die this day, I just want you to have a fun time. Thanks for joining

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arent cult leaders supposed to be brothers


bruh ive been here for 10 minutes :sob:


yeah i know

lmao hi evo welcome back from the dead


Kiiruma is upset

:two_hearts: I love Arctic :two_hearts:

OK you made this bed. Look at what I did to Manny during my fanboying him.

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Alright. Please let me join first.

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oh i’m not planning on cancelling i’m not wasting village kp

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of course bb

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So was marl like a consensus scumread?

Should I just go back and look for myself

Wait it’s a neighbourhood?
I want in.

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no it was my hero read


How do you read the ev person

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