FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

i feel like contributions and seeing them do more would make sense as a reason to read someone in a normal game, but in a mash like this its almost impossible to do a ton or have thread control

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YBW I have a gun and Iā€™m shootings you

I wont lie. And this may be me being very bias. But i dont read kiiruma as scum from these messages alone.

thats why i disregarded it as a reason to scumread them

Would you expect me to go from that game to this game, join a scumchat with fourteen/fifteen other evils, build rapport and presumably plan out our future, and then not do anything significant as an evil?


You know Iā€™ve seen zero of Vulgard.

But I heard people talking about him so I assume he has posted today.

i very much think kii isnt acting like scumhim


Going to call it a night due to tiredness. Good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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Pretty much this.

iā€™m still mulling it over, not going to talk about it just yet

that is not how you phrased it or how i percieved it

during the opening hours for you in d1, yes

apoc hasnā€™t posted for years and still has more posts than me

ybw tryina get people to give their scumpartner power smh


Personally I like to solve the power players first before anything.

Like I already solved Arctic, heā€™s Town.
And also my Mason Buddy

ā€œthats just an effect from them having more thread controlā€
ā€œits different, but im disregarding it because of thatā€

hmmmmm i wonder if i can guess where this is going

VOTE: Creature

prob a wolf, do not sleep on this


Yet honestly, I feel like Iā€™m kinda in a state rn where Iā€™m just hyperaware of things.
Idk if thatā€™s going to improve my playing or make it worse.

Just some stuff going on and then I focus here and Iā€™m picking up on smaller details, heck, I might be picking up on things others arenā€™t seeing themselves and overanalysing. I wish I could just shut my brain off and relax.

But I want to prove myself.