FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


yeah his partner once killed me in tis and i will never forgive him

Catbae: donā€™t follow my legacy

You and Seth: follows it

Thatā€™s fine.
I just think the other wagon options are better for today but he can definitely be a primary target.
I donā€™t have a read on them. :woman_shrugging:

Demonstrating significant effort in this environment would be w!indicative for me at this stage of the proceedings, I think.

Sarcasm :p forgot it doesnt work online

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I thought you scumread Arctic every game by default.

Hazard knows, very well. I tell him lots about me.


it would, yes
but demonstrating significantly less effort seems non-v indicative, having no drive to solve in such a big game

Yes he did. Heā€™s like following catbae legacy?

did I say anything about the pigeon wagon, btw? Iā€™m not sure I did. I think itā€™s a bit of a mediocre Day 1 vote because yeah, his vote timing did suck but heā€™s a lowposter who could be either alignment, I donā€™t get a ton out of it

He didnā€™t say that
He said he wants his read to be known

no hes saying creature is ita fodder rather than vote

Whereā€™s my vote?

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I mis read sheep and sleep

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honestly Iā€™m titled I havenā€™t gotten my dreams of getting my hand onto a day cigilante and shooting someone or lording it over and instead I have to resort to reaction tests


And why isnā€™t yours on Kiiruma!? :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

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Sometimes too mych

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i donā€™t like itaā€™s on non-existent people if possible
it wastes the ita if theyā€™re town and gives zero info

I misread sheep and sleep

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