FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I should probably go to bed soon, tbh

I cant beleive some people have 120+ wpm, i feel just slow at that point with my 75 wpm

Imagine knowing ones wpm

elaborate for me? sheā€™s basically null for me sinceā€¦none of her posts seemed to be relevant

itā€™s cuz we were in the typing event

I was just in a typing event :sob:

Fair ig

I physically canā€™t type like a normal person I just type like im using a typewriter

Only 150? Well, I guess I am the odd one.

idk why my hands are bad they just are

Emu 13_st.ayaka.one

holy shit

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199 to be exact i just checked

Imagine ever reading an iso


Your my favorite person lol



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I have before but I think the sort of playfulness is wolf indicative slightly for them.
Iā€™m at least gonna try and see if this tell works, like, they just donā€™t feel like the zenon from the past like 3 games I have played with her.

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whats with the poyo poyi stickers anyway