FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


this doesnt come without something

Iā€™m not really sure what to make of this. Whether itā€™s a modpost, or a town ability who had the hosts publish a message of something that was slipped in the thread publicly.

it says the mafia said it

alright now that thereā€™s a mafia flip itā€™s probably time for me to stop lurking and actually read some ISOs like i said i would

But if itā€™s a town ability would it be bastard considering that it says A member of the Mafia?

Theres probably an ā€œout a member of the mafia for a strongman vigā€ ability or some shit

Or a lost wolf thing or something i dunno


Ah right, hmm tricky question whether Litten is spewed town or not.

could be like ā€œreveal a piece of information useful to the town and recieve x abilityā€

It says the Mafia slipped it.
Actually, I have a vague idea of what couldā€™ve caused the message. I said that last game but whatever.

A member of the mafia has revealed chloe as town

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i dont think just because marl voted him heā€™s 100% town
iā€™d prefer to read their actions


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To be fair, voting is one of such actions.

between the two of them more socially, i mean

So true.

I remember this one game where I correctly scumread 2 wolves and had these epic cases on them, then in MYLO started townreading them both and only pushed town as town

Achro was thereā€¦ maybe wolf?

In so fucking loopy lol gn

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its a Plurality game and with 58 players votes are near useless on their own

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wittle wooser

Letā€™s be more specific.

Amelia, Jane and catbae got Marluxion.
It might be important.