FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


You tell me why your hivemind thinks I canā€™t be town. Iā€™ve just been doing whatever I want throughout the entirety of this game, and I donā€™t plan to change it anytime soon.

Hazard probably scum

Sabi maybe town

i am the fucking loremaster

I was there for that!

What changed?


Jane not impressing early but i dont know if their early game is impressive tbf

Iā€™ll retrack my good evening then.

jaiden was not here for the original fol and does not know my original title

do you have reasons or is this just a higher entity speaking through you

I remembered my own 3p claim in my last mash wolfgame.

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Your original title was stupid stupidhead

Reading Hazardā€™s ISO makes me inclined to agree.

/dayvig jaiden

Sabi interaction with marl feels unpaired

Hazard has yet to spark joy. Hazard usually sparks joy


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damn ok. ouch


Thatā€™s the neat part: I donā€™t.

Itā€™s just that I am waiting for the next chapter of a manga, whichā€¦ takes a long time to get translated. Plus, some are licensed, so public translators canā€™t translate them anymore and I have to wait in limbo.