FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Update. None of you stopped posting.

Zenon this may be bad for your mental health

Kill all liars

VOTE: Guava

Yes. I was gonna stop but now i gotta prove Atlas wrong

is this what makes Jane lock wolf to you Zenon?

Leaving the thread for now, my reads should be pretty clear.


Read OP on what you can and cannot claim.
Other than that, you should be good to go.

I meant socio-economic level, not just rules.

I mean you logically you probably shouldn’t but it seems like you don’t really care

and I don’t really care

and you’re Eevee so you’re probably gonna lie about it anyways


I should go back to sleep it’s 6am

Because of this:

When I said “as mafia”, I was referring to you.

@Zenon :pleading_face:

no it isnt

pwease answe me

Eh. FWIW I already claimed I have no active abilities, and I am still alive.

i say this rather jokingly as gaslighting is hilarious but pretty much all of the suspicion on me was between like. 3 people at sod and has dissapated

oh im citizen btw

At least not an outsider

i have not read a single post of jaidens but their last two make me feel they are overly focused on people’s suspicions on them