FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

@Litten you are already asleep. this is your brains way of processing the game youve been playing. you must stay asleep reading this chat and contributing so you can wake up with better reads

Oh wait, my alzeihmer’s has deteriorated. A saucer has flung itself’ed into Marl.

nah i just remember having a similar mindset as a wolf when someone is pushing me for what i perceive to be bad reasons or something so i post the “am i unable to defend myself thing”. i think as town i just find a way to defend myself tbh

I will not be stopped!


I will not be stopped!

That’s fake + L take + you’re wrong + ratio



“just do better” thanks arcy

Alright I need to actually do something productive because you guys slammed this thread and the only thing I’ve now read is what Silviu said

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i was just about to post if anyone had a read on italy because i read their iso and got nothing from it which probably indicates >rand wolf given how much they’ve p osted

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Skill issue

why is arctic’s metaread on me using his meta multiaccount slip?


lol silviu really has no idea what happened here. is this v indicative?

VOTE: Daeron

@Daeron you’re scum, why?

Wolfiest post of the game

You may… but it would be a bad call

no silviu is actually on another level of existance rn we arent ready to understand

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