FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I was kinda here!

Posting this here so I can listen to it while reading thread

litten doesn’t know how to open new tabs


litten doesn’t know how to minimize youtube

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I was challenged!!

wait until you find out bout soundcloud

Not a good idea. Discourse has a glitch where it keeps playing and replaying the video when you scroll down or up a certain distance.

For fun

Thanks is been very helpful to my happiness lol


It’s solved however if you put it under a hide detail feature.

Hide Detail

Undertale Ost: 087 - Hopes and Dreams - YouTube

Apoc is IC confirmed.

The amount of people who call me this…




lol i just checked last FAM day 1 and me and marl were the top two posters as w/w

times have changed

mafia where the only rule is no gamethrowing

@crazynuto Hello mister. How are you doing how are you holding up

hey silviu
what are your reads