FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


Oh there is another event how neat let me fill that out

@Tyrone your services are required

I donā€™t remember ever playing with Zenon, I donā€™t know how to read her.

I have a bunny and she doesnā€™t even have a thematic or common name :joy_cat:



Iā€™ll say it again, I didnā€™t like the creature wagon building up before and I donā€™t like the fact creature is now the top wagon.

It looks like mafia grouped in and sheeped @catbae somewhere.

Sabi lock tunneled on Hippo

Sheā€™s the player I played with the most

Thanks for telling me as I had no idea this existed (I have not read much if anything at all apart from Marl death lol)

man i am just flat out missing posts now wtf

Only if you have skill issue.

The reason that read exists has nothing to do with the number of players js

Average mash moment

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i mean heā€™s probably being bussed if heā€™s mafia too? do you just not like the wagon because of how big it is? because i donā€™t think that means much

skrill issue

cannn someone ping me if theres an event i wanna go die

I pinged you in regards to Kiiruma.
So whatā€™s your opinion on them and would you vote there today?

Oh hi Wazza

I know this is extremely hypocritical of me (but its ok when i do it i swear) but frequently posting in teeny chunks of nothingness always pings me as a wolf trying to bump up their postcount so ppl dont want to iso them lol