FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs



Creature (15): catbae, Chloe, Litten, nutella, BradLand, Cape90, lol, Marluna, Vulgard, Gorta, cheesethatiscloned, Jane, row666, Ashlyn, min

Alright letā€™s see.

Oh Row was here and placed a vote lol.

Ok so. I havenā€™t seen much of Vulgard.
Brad could definitely be it, some people were trying to push BradLand but the wagon just never took off.

BTW look at who was pushing BradLand if BradLand flips Mafia, likely town for whoever wanted that wagon.
@Arctic Remember this.

Cloned kinda just randomly sided with Kiiruma and called my post bad that even Frost pointed out, like how can there be anything bad when itā€™s just logic?

Jane is like, still null to me.
So is Ashlyn and Min would be null town if Iā€™m being nice.
Marluna, lol, Nutella and Gorta also nulls.
Chloe has stated concern they wanted to switch wagons so.

I really donā€™t know how I feel about Litten this game.
I also wish I could see more of Vulgard myself, I seem to not be present when they are or at least never end up interacting with them.

Then we have Catbae who is obviously the town who started this wagon and people are sheeping it and itā€™s likely some of which are wolves.

Thats ok

But u wrong

I have a bond forged in blood with hippo

I respect this.

But give me an alternative that we can push above creature?

You did that with a wolf


I have never feared real timing in my life

I now have the same amount of posts as Arctic :heart_eyes:

When hippo received their role pm

Are you actually reading through everything?
Damn thatā€™s dedication.

Hippo is town tho

I wish people posted this fast in other, vaguely more food related threads.

Are you town?

Jake say do you rather chicken wings or burger?

Yes. Enlighten me.

Also, have I been mod-confirmed to be ā€œnon-lethalā€ yet?

do you rather chicken wings or burger?

Sabi/Hippo probably v/w?

Odds are like 60% v/w 40% v/v

Donā€™t really see this happening between two wolves, but canā€™t really tell if itā€™s town tunneled on town or town tunneled on a wolf?