FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

i dont like burger


Chicken meat… replaced with wings!!!

That’s not a word, the dogs were just so loud it completely blew out the backup singers.

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the class bettwr be excited to see this pretty picture

Do you like food rolls or pitas?

The third step is ignoring that retirement and signing up for another game

i dont know what that is

i have shot myself in the foot… i thought i had another day to do the drawing but i dont…

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how do you not know what a pita bread is

this is why i have to fucking read the OP. every fucking time i miss something

im not from a wastern country

But i cant read!

Skill issue

Food rolls I meant wraps. Which are these

And Pitas are this

Skill issue

it’s not western it’s like west asian i think

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I know you don’t like it but please trust me on this when I say this.

Please take a look and read mine and Kiiruma’s interactions.

looks like weird kebab
