FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

hi cape you are pro

who are all the wolves


This isnā€™t a question at this point.

The question which of his teammates is bussing him, if any.

Iā€™m pretty sure there is (N/2)-1 people, where N is amount of people on this planet, who can read you more accurately than most people.

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X to doubt

I regret nothing.

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Brad hates bussing so the fact that he voted me and has done nothing helpful despite being competent is a bad look


Brad has a good knack for shooting wolves as town in mashes

Prob let that one cook

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He protecc
He attacc
Your townleader is bacc

Donā€™t get why people hate bussing, itā€™s fun

I mean people are pushing back on the wagon so it has to be said

Ever closer

His crime is heā€™s wolf reading me despite wolf reading me as town in a previous game and has only voted town (me)

Arctic was always here

But yes I agree let the man cook but if he shoots me heā€™s outted


Are you really wolfreading litten

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I donā€™t need meta to find players who says suspicious things, because they said so.