FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Dw I’m the primary mafia n1 kill because I’m too vocal glgl

Achro is the one true goat

How so?
I am just being honest.
I genuinely think as such and you can’t say I’m not thinking what I know I am thinking.

mafia loves to keep me alive to be mled

it’s kinda mean :cry:

incredibly a second zero
im using my soundcloud and my youtube playlist and whatever ones i think of to do this btw. so around 1500 songs. a little over top 50 but good enough


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sweeps the blood soaked remains of umineko’s scum team under the rug

elton john is close but not in the way you think

VOTE: Zenon

I trust me too

Goodnight… sorry i wasnt helpful again.

Then we have Litten who’s also in this game and was best in 2021.

Sometimes. This isn’t one of them though.

Creature (16): catbae, Chloe, Litten, nutella, BradLand, Cape90, lol, Marluna, Vulgard, Gorta, cheesethatiscloned, Jane, row666, Ashlyn, min, thepigeonnyc
Kiiruma (5): RaisinBranEnthusiast, Zorvo, Creature, Leafia, YoubutWorse
thepigeonnyc (3): Achromatic, Arctic, guavagudetama
Leafia (3): Apocryphal, ElizaThePsycho, Kiiruma
Zenon (3): Sadbi, Silviu200530, Zenon
Daeron (3): an_gorta_slanktai, Wazza, Hippopablompoyeetus
guavagudetama (1): Daeron
Ashlyn (1): beancat
Vulgard (1): Zone_Q11
Apocryphal (1): Frostwolf103
Atlas (1): EV.0
Cape90 (1): Kanave
Demisha (1): Amelia
BradLand (1): Demisha
Jaiden (1): Magnus
sulit (1): Atlas
Sleep (1): Jaiden

Not Voting (13): Italy, sulit, May, Hazardwaste, JakeTheWolfie, eevee, Kork, Yamikarp, benguinedparbecue, Tyrone, Jarek, Garfooled, crazynuto

Or the spam vig

litten is polarized he just got that award because hes cute


nice wagons

Probably both


As far I recall, that was just one game.