FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

italy guess my music taste

I am eternal

It appears they did nothing striking then



Zorvo, look.
I do not mean to make you feel bad, I am sorry if that is how you are feeling since you decided to post this.

Iā€™ve tried to explain things to you from my reads and all you do is push back and push back, so I fail to see the point in me explaining things to you when my explanations just donā€™t seem good enough to you for some unknown reason.

Iā€™m trying my best to get my points across concerning you and others, honestly it can feel pretty tiring when I consistently look and I see Iā€™m a counterwagon. All I want to do is try and play the game, provide my reads and see whether or not I can help my team.

I hope youā€™re not a wolf because if you are and youā€™re posting something like this itā€™s incredibly shitty to do so. I have provided my reads, Iā€™ve provided my reasoning, I even provided a retort against you when you basically was like ā€œYeah your reasoning doesnā€™t make senseā€

I want to work with town to solve this game. Heck, I want to be able to work with everyone, even mafia, to have this be a pleasant gaming environment.

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Okay. Are you a wolf?

church choirs

Heā€™s not



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okay its somewhere between ā€œmainstream pop from the last 5 yearsā€ and Metallica


Maybe if you read the full part of that instead of trying to take it out of context, thatā€™d be cool

eevee may not even be outted anything

i believe jane has obtained inner peace

no comment

i just got a really strong feeling of deja vu

have you ever played ultrakill

ftr breakcore is absolutely not between pop and Metallica but you kinda got something there

Working with everyone (including mafia) so this game is pleasant and fun =/= Actively working with wolves and against my wincondition