FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I also went to sleep ten minute before the flip :pensive:

Knowing Littenā€™s role.
Itā€™s self resolving anyway.
So it isnā€™t worth sharing with the scumchat.


This post is so wolfy wtf

Omg Leafia and Zenon friendship arc for more than one game. impossible!

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iā€™ve gotten sorta nothing out of daeronā€™s iso tbh
dont like that he didnt follow through on ā€œchecking out the rest of [Littenā€™s] postā€ tho

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Zenon finally caught up?



Back foul demon stay away from my mason

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u w u

Looks like itā€™s possible.

666th post nya

why do u think so

This post isā€¦ maybe Iā€™m wrong on Jane

As far as I understand they had neighborhood which ends if itā€™s mentioned outside of neighborhood.
So they suspect me due to saying I have 1-shot neighborhood cop.

Something along this lines.


O w O

Omgggg are we gonna be besties

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What even is Wolfy about that post, Jane?

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That sounds rough