FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

I’m worried about people trying to kill the creature wagon

It’s possible that someone will try to.

Probably a good vote

Haven’t really liked what Pigeon posts I’ve seen

Kill the wagon as in replace or kill as in kill the people on the wagon?

A counter wagon to creature is probably good, but I don’t know who would actually be a good choice

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Somewhat villagery thought honestly.

Might I suggest Kiiruma?

this is



Yeah that’s my rationale

Not having seen new pigeon posts since then isnt helping :wowee:

You gotta sell me on that


The fact that I literally have almost 700 posts is

Incredibly dank puff

i kiiiiind of think kiiruma/zorvo is town/town based on how they were butting heads and wallposting at each other last night, because they both seemed so invested in an argument no one else in the thread cared about, but its not a read i would bet the game on at all


This seems reasonable, yeah

A sequence of posts of all time

Sometimes the stupidest arguments in a mafia game are just town on town violence

I’m not opposed to a Pigeon Wagon as a counter to Creature, tbh



700th post nya