FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

we have like an hour till EoD right, i odnt think anybody but creature is dying

Two hours

EoD is 2 est

youā€™re wonderful tbh

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thought it was one est my b

Iā€™m just a humble shitposter


Alright. Good morning, flipped wolf. That is a single area for me to focus on that doesnā€™t put my brain in the hell posts dimension (place of too many posts).

Place of too many posts

Weird neutraly interaction. It feels like Marl is Thinking about Litten a decent amount here, what with opening by pinging him. Not sure if itā€™s W/T or W/W, but thereā€™s a focus that makes for good context.

Theres 73 hidden replies between this and his last post and I realy dont want to look at the context so Iā€™m not going to. First vote on Apo. Nothing interaction containment of nothing

This is the first actual thought Marl provides on a post, and itā€™s kinda, hedgy in comparison to his future townreads, given at a point where guava is the top wagon. Itā€™s very, off-the-cuff. Donā€™t think itā€™s partnered

:-1: :-1: :-1: BAD POST :-1: :-1: DISLIKE :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:

Iā€™d call Eliza/Vulgard V/V off this BAD POST :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: I think. Its a bad post you can see why

But yea Marlā€™s backing up Eliza here in a way that reaaaally feels like pushing a villagerā€™s bad arguments against another villager. He is the pillar of support for Eliza. He needs not support a wolf in this manner. Eliza probably town

Super neutral inquiry on Jarek? IDK how Marl works IDK if this is the kind of thing he does of partner I need to check previous game but I have noted this down in my note book for future reference

Vulgardā€™s town yeah

:-1: Dislike

To create temporary refuge for Zone. In this game it is a lot happening at once and this kind of post feels it carries much more effectiveness than in a normal game, and I think wolvesā€™d take opportunity to do of this sort on a partner. Especially given so many of his previous opinions feel they are on townies

More strongly stated than anything so far, but only given in agreement to another person. Intewesting

Hhhh neutralinteractions. Containment of question. I can read this either way, trying to get a partner to elaborate on a read he thinks is dangerous or trying to put pressure on a townie for a read he thinks is wrong. Especially in the way Vulgard has swung on Marl here.


This interaction feels real to me. It is unhollow. I think it is not partnered with Arctic and further not with Vulgard and Guava. ā€œPurity readā€ not W/W phrasing, way Marl changed his mind on Vulgard not W/W progression


I donā€™t like how Marl sounds more Hedgy on min than he did before here. Said ā€œtowny as heckā€ previously and now has an air of hesitance.

He also seems to have an overly strong focus on explaining this read in comparison to the guava ā€œpurity readā€, something that points to me as him thinking too much about it. He doesnā€™t give this read suddenly, he initially only mentioned it to support anotherā€™s read, now tries to ā€œintroduce itā€ again with scarednessphrasing.

Rule of 3 :crogge: :crogge: :crogge: the rule with thte 3 in it :crogge: I refuse to take this game seriously :crogge: :crogge:

He sounds like he is trying to murder Leafia here. Itā€™s a murder voice. Not W/W

What does this mean

I tried to go for a short walk to get some exercise because Iā€™m soooo good at taking care of myself but then the dog got loose and I had to chase after him for double the length of what the walk was supposed to be (as he can run much faster than I can) and it was like 30C outside which is not all that hot but itā€™s HUMID and Iā€™m not built to handle temperatures so I nearly fainted like three times in the middle of the woods and by the time I was done fainting in the middle of the woods the heat had given me brain fog so bad I couldnā€™t speak and so I spent the rest of the day drinking a fuckton of water and playing collaborative mahjong (we were farming event points) (ice prison technique)

Too vague to be distancing, I think.

Calls out lol and I in the same kind of way. This sounds like ā€œcalled out villager for behaviour ā†’ call out wolf for it now to look equalā€. W/W interactino

I feel like this is a :joycat: moment but Iā€™m not a big joycat poster

Carrying out the read he thought most about to a legacy he knows is doomed. It is low-effort. It is trying not to say much. Unfortunately that just means Marl is a wolf which we knew alreay

Heā€™s saying nothing. Itā€™s antispew. I dunno what to think about this

Minā€™s still a wolf though

Weird call out to make when heā€™s not mentioned Silviu once so far.

My mind initially wants to build worlds of a D1 bus here with catbae but looking through Marlā€™s posts they are genuinely wolfy and the way he talks to catbae here feels like it holds weight. It doesnā€™t feel like Marl knows this is inevitable. I am happy to call catbae town

I think this is an actual thought Marl has had? Calling it out so late into when he is about to die. I donā€™t think it has substantial implications on partnership but it feels like heā€™s actually thinking this which indicates a certain. Mindset

I agree

Let me dream okay

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Iā€™m booooooooored

i do suspect kanave still but these posts are slightly towny

TL;DR Vulgard Eliza Arctic Guava Litten Leafia town Min lol Zone wolf. And some vague feelings one way or another on Silviu Brad Creature Ghana that donā€™t call partnered or not to me but could be indicative of gamestate once we know more about that

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Oh wow

Wall post from May

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I dig it and the conclusions seem reasonable

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Except leafia
Leafia wolf

Probably reasonable next action is to read up on wolfy people. To hte mines I go

I do not like this game state


NAI I think. Since itā€™s early in the game.

Slightly villagery honestly.

Not sure why I think it was Zervo misinterpreted this. Gives off slight not w/w vibes with Sadbi honestly.

This honestly feels like a villagery thought.

Wolfy statement given how large the game is.

Provides reasoning here so that post doesnā€™t look quite as bad but it still looks slightly wolfy. He isnā€™t even ytring to consider the possibility that Zorvo is just an incorrect villager here. Especily when he knows that Zorvo has a history of acting exactly like this as a villager.

Again he preflips both me and Zorvo without considering the possibility that weā€™re both villagers. I find it hard to believe that Kiiruma would be acting this way towards us as a villager.

Canā€™t put my finger on why, but I find this slightly wolfy.

Not sure what to think of this though.

Wolfy shade on Zorvo. Thatā€™s literally classic v!Zorvo and I think Kiiruma knows it.

Wolfy post that feels a bit LAMIST. Like heā€™s saying heā€™s so villagery that no villager should ever be scumreading him.

Super wolfy.

He literally said this about a wolfbuddy in a gsme where he was tied with them for topwagon, but I think he knows that people know that and is trying to tie himself to Litten for when he flips wolf.

Blatent shade.

Blatent attempt to pocket Litten here.

I think Iā€™ve read enough of his iso. Kiiruma is just a wolf here. Please donā€™t take my word for it though. Read this iso I did of him and decide for yourselves. Iā€™m null on Creature honestly. Still donā€™t know the scumcase on him.

Iā€™m holding up well. Awoke to something interesting.

I got good vibes on hippo and frostwolf due to neighborhood reasons. I happen to be vibing with them, and one gave the other advice, which they likely wouldnā€™t have done if they were both scum.

Aside from that Iā€™m just vibing.

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Pigeon is acceptable too.