FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs


Every day I am inventing new words as the old ones do not sufficiently convey my meanings for me

Not if I ita you first!

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at least i can say i get decently good vibes from mays posts currently but like

i’m probably gonna wait for more bc i know she is good at the game

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Lock v

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Marl is our D1 death.

Need more death

We need more drones

Do it and you’ll have every gun in the town pointed at you.

It is not an insult. You fit in. Your posts flow naturally from one to the other, no weird bumps or scratches to them. Your posts right now do have interesting spikes and grooves. Neither is worse or better than the other

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It was nice, honestly Marl was a meh slot for me, not too towny, not too scummy.
But Chloe had some good points on Marl, seeming like he was trying to avoid spew.

Alternatively give me back the deputy shot from the GI turbo I still want to use it

dear mafia who infected me
i am getting better at osu
i am up to the cool spinny point now

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Look at my post count and then look at me and tell me I would be seen as anything other than lolApo

* In your previous wolfgames, your posts do this. They do not currently do this

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i have an announcement.

Ooooh do it, do it

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reevaled amelia still think theyr towny

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It won’t. Postcount means nothing and are you TMIing me v here?


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