FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

A but disturbed by how fast the Pigeon wagon got votes there honestly.

Same tbh

But not enough to move off

i mean. it’s not huge and there’s 50+ players

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Hey chat what’s going on with the links section anyone want to explain any of these to me

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Wasnt that like

4 more votes

Riichi Book One

hey this whole carpel tunnel thing isn’t horrible
i can fix it

You not being willing to move off is weirding me out even more. I just can’t get the thought out of my head that you’re trying to save Creature here.

VOTE: Creature

So I’m going to do this.

Do not get carpal tunnel syndrome

oh i thought you were just playing it cuz

thats rly funny lol

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no i explained that this is actual mod designed torture


leafia is gonna kill me tongijt aren’t they

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This post has been certified funny by the committee :white_check_mark: It’sreallly funny yeah

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Skill issue


you go and beat it


@wolves perma osu me or cowards

i mean

i don’t think if creature is a wolf anyone on his team would be willing to save him idk if that makes sense

Consider this, I was the first vote of the batch

Mafia almost certainly followed me